# Creating Accounts

Where creating an account, 1Password should always be used to manage unique passwords per account. Individual accounts should be stored in the users Private Vault, accounts that the wider 14Four team should have access to can go into the 14Four Vault, items for a client project go into Clients Vault.

Do not use 'password', '14four', '14F0ur' and other generic passwords. It should be assumed any account with these generic passwords has been comprimised.

# Securely Sharing Passwords

The best option for a client to share access is to invite someone at 14four to use the resource with their own individual account. Many services provide ways to do this, and sharing passwords should always be done as the last resort and there is no other way to provide access to the required resource.

# Using OneTimeSecret.com to Share Credentials

If there is no other way to provide access to an account other than sharing the credentials, you can use OneTimeSecret.com (opens new window). It does not require a login to use and is a free service. Using it through the following steps will separate the credentials needed and prevent interception from compromising the account. The link it generates will only be usable once.

  1. Send an email with the username and details of where to login. Tell them they will receive a second email with a decryption password, and link they can use to retrieve the password for the login.
  2. Go to 1Passwords Password Generator (opens new window).
  3. Click Copy Secure Password. You may keep the default settings. 1password-password-generator
  4. Paste this into a new email but do not send it yet.
  5. Go to OneTimeSecret.com (opens new window)
  6. Paste the password created above into the Passphrase. passphrase-link-expiry
  7. Set how long you want the link to be valid for in the Lifetime field.
  8. Enter only your password into the first large text field. password-field
  9. Click Create a secret link* create-a-secret-link
  10. Copy the link in the Share this link: section. share-this-link
  11. Paste the link in the email you created in step 4.
  12. Copy the link in the browser's address bar if you wish to be able to return and destroy the secret using the Burn this secret* button. burn-this-secret
  13. Send the email created in step 4 with the following instructions.
    1. You can view the password for the login I sent you previously at the link above.
    2. You will need the decryption password provided above to decrypt the password. You will only be able to do the next part once so make sure you can copy the password into a secure location. Paste it into the Enter the passphrase here field and click View Secret. view-secret
    3. Copy the password shown into a secure location like a password manager. view-password